Get Lite Y.B.E

Sunday, August 2, 2009

NEWW COACHH !!! : Freshh

Okk. So I was at the mall yesterday and in Lord & Taylor I saw some really cute Coach shoes, and then I went to the Coach outlet and saw some really cute accessories. CHECK iT OUT

Bonney Hightop

Nova Midtop Sneaker

Mistie Hightop

Bead Chain Belt

Poppy Pave Charm

Most of the items are $ 50.00 and higher but i have found a website where you can buy these items, which are real, for less than $ 30.00. Comment this post and I will send you the link for the website.


  1. those some tight kicks for a girl. Hey please follow my blog pleassssssssse!

  2. those r krazy.i mean like wont wear dem.but those r dope.lz follow imma follow you

  3. hey, ive been looking for those shoes, but i cant find them and they're sold out on the coach website. where can i get those???

  4. The first sneakers are really cute!(:
